Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween! Day #68

About a month ago, we had hoped that we might be able to travel to Toledo today to meet our friends, the Treegers, for our traditional Halloween dinner and /or travel to Bowling Green for Cale & Jess's annual Halloween potluck gathering and trick or treating. As of yesterday we set our hopes on not having to go back to the clinic today. But there is good news here. We have figured out which medication was causing side effects that definitely slowed Ron's progress, so Ron has started to do better again, and we will not return to the Cancer Clinic until Wednesday. That will be a long day with clinic appointments including an ECP light therapy treatment.
Thanks for your continued support in so many ways.
Love, Ron & Jan


  1. Did you know that Nov. is National Caregivers Month? As you well know it is a full time job, physically, mentally& emotionally. Praying for Ron's continued improvement which also means improvement for you. Love & prayers
    Ann & Bob

  2. We missed you at trick or treat tonight in BG! Porch wasn't the same without you! Hope to see you soon! Jodi & Dave

  3. We missed being there to see all of you and the little munchkins. I am thinking of your treat mix right now! This has been a rough week. In the spirit of Halloween, Ron managed to give me a couple good scares with hallucinations brought on by the meds. Hope this week continues to be on the up-swing.
