Saturday, October 29, 2011

October 29, 2011, Day 66

Although exhausted, I felt wired last night before I could just relax and go to bed. The day had not gone as smoothly as I'd hoped, and I kept replaying everything in my head. We had too many appointments scheduled for the same day. Now that Saturday has passed, I am sure that we made the right decision to both come back to the apartment. Sleeping and eating are even bigger issues for Ron when he is hospitalized. There were no phone calls today to indicate that any of the blood or urine tests showed an infection, and today's bladder issues are not so aggravated. When they do blood cultures, they take blood from each of the three lumens of his neostar port in his upper chest.
I was able to take 2 short naps when Ron did, and that helped me. Yes, It was a better day.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the updates. It makes us feel better knowing a bit of the daily information on how Uncle Ron is doing. We continue to send many prayers your way. Love, Jill
