Sunday, October 23, 2011

Day #60: October 23, 2011

What a beautiful fall weekend in Michigan! I only ventured to the Meijer store which is only 2 miles away, but what felt really good about the weekend was relaxing on our own schedule; that is something we had enjoyed about retirement. In the face of all that we have been experiencing with Ron's transplant, we have what we call "our new normal"---that is our coping mechanism. It is probably common to anyone in a challenging situation.
Tomorrow we go back to the Cancer Clinic in the morning, and then we will know more specifically what Ron's treatments will be for this week. At this time we know that he will have bloodwork at 9:00, doc at 10:00, and breathing treatment at 11:00. The breathing treatment is preventative for PCP pneumonia, which is the pneumonia that is often a complication of AIDS patients and others with a suppressed immune system. The ECP light treatment is moved to Friday afternoon, followed by another infusion to treat the viruses. The bloodwork tomorrow will let us know the progress against the viruses. The graft versus host symptoms of the skin and gut have cleared up. Where the skin looked sunburned, it has browned, and is peeling. Our "if only" at this time is for the bladder symptoms to clear up. Ron never gets to sleep more than 45 minutes at a time, and often it is only 20 minutes.
We continue to be grateful for the support you are showing through messages, cards, prayers, positive energy, and good thoughts sent our way. It is so appreciated.
Love to all,
Ron & Jan

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