Monday, October 24, 2011

Monday, October 24, 2011

To care-givers everywhere who also have family members still in your home who depend on you and/or those of you who also work, you are amazing! Caregiving is my full time "job", and I know that I would have no time or energy for much of anything else. I have thought at times that I am glad that we are in an apartment here, and I can't see things at home that I would want to do. I have one focus.
Today's appointments went well. The IVIG to treat the immune system was very effective--as shown by a blood test. They have tweaked Ron's meds and he is having less hydration because of his swollen feet. His breathing treatment today went well. It is done right in the clinic and only takes a few minutes. It is a monthly treatment.
We plan to be at the apartment until Friday. Multiple appointments are scheduled for Friday, starting with 7:30 bloodwork and with the last appointment starting at 5:30. We will be crawling home about 7:30 in the evening. This will be the day when I sleep on the bench during ECP. Actually, it is a lovely nap.

1 comment:

  1. Being Laurie's caregiver is a time I will always cherish, every moment I spent with her & everything I did for her are precious memories.
    Praying for you both and knowing you cherish every moment too no matter how tired you are. Ann & Bob
