Monday, October 3, 2011

Sunday-Monday Oct. 2-3 Days 39-40

When we are at the hospital, we log on to the Internet on the hospital network. At the apartment we use our Verizon Five-Spot wireless which doesn't always work here as well as it does at the lake. Yesterday it was especially frustrating, so in the event this continues being an issue, I might not be able to make my daily entry.
That being said I am going to admit that Ron's recovery has been more difficult than I imagined. He is the most physically fit and healthiest 63 year old I know, so it has caught me off guard that there are stubborn complications as he continues his journey to good health again. We are continually told that the issues with graft versus host disease are expected and that his symptoms are not in a severe stage at this time. The main issue now is handling the weakness - no appetite - dehydration cycle which is hard to break out of. The U of M Home Med service which delivers his medical supplies to the apartment is bringing extra hydration for his daily IVs. If this cycle can't be broken at home, he will be hospitalized again. After talking to a BMT nurse at the clinic today, that is a real possibility when we go for his clinic appointment Wednesday morning. The CMV virus is still evident in his blood, and that count has risen since discharge and the change to oral medication for it. His other blood cultures drawn Friday are still negative. The lab continues to watch them for several days.
The hardest part of caregiving for me is seeing Ron so sick.
Thanks to everyone for continued support, prayers, good wishes, and positive thoughts. We can feel the good vibes out there!
Love, Ron & Jan

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