Thursday, November 17, 2011

Day #85 after transplant

Wednesday was a full day with Jan getting her new military ID card and Ron having bloodwork, ECP, and a doctor's appointment. We finally asked the question "what criteria needs to be met for us to go home, and how long do you think that will be?" The answers are that he needs to be off the steroids and that will be 1-2 more months here in Ann Arbor. The steroid dose was reduced again yesterday, so now we watch for any flare-up of GVHD on his skin. Ron is maintaining his weight and seems to be a little stronger. He has an infusion Monday to strengthen his bones and a battery of tests on Wednesday. (before Thanksgiving). Today the physical therapist will come in the afternoon. So we move ahead with your support and good wishes. Thanks for caring.
Love, Ron & Jan

1 comment:

  1. Modern medical science is one of the things I join you in being most thankful for, all year, but especailly during this season. Mort
