Saturday, November 19, 2011

Friday & Saturday, November 18-19, 2011

We are cruising along with 4 days at home; then back to the clinic on Monday. Ron is maintaining his weight, and both of us are anxious to see an upward trend. The physical therapist suggested the goal of walking with a cane (now a walker) by Christmas. The doc told us that we might be able to go home for a few days at Christmas time. Ron's blood counts continue to be low but trending up slightly each bloodtest, so his new marrow is working. Amazing! Still amazing that all of this is possible and so grateful to everyone who has contributed medically and also with emotional support for both of us. (that's you too:)
My next shopping adventure is to find yaktrax before the snow and ice arrive. We will both have to be especially careful this winter. We are looking forward to seeing kids and grandkids next week. Good medicine. It seemed like a very positive turning point when Cale's family visited Ron during his last hospitalization. All of our siblings continue to visit regularly and bring a nice break to what is now routine, as well as bringing our mail and things we need from home. (example: winter coats and small Christmas tree). Ron is concerned that we might need a moving van to go home.
Hope you have a great weekend! I remember when Ron moaned when he realized that we would be living in Ann Arbor for football season. Maybe we will be home to watch a bowl game or two.
Love to all, Ron & Jan

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