Monday, November 21, 2011

Sunday-Monday November 20-21

Just grinding. Uneventful feels good. We are back into a routine and slowly moving ahead. Ron had a clinic appointment this morning and received an infusion to strengthen his bones. It was a relatively quick appointment, and his physical therapist came this afternoon for about an hour. She will start coming three times a week after Thanksgiving. Ron is maintaining his weight..right at 160 pounds. His appetite has definitely picked up.
Yesterday we went to Meijer, and he rode a cart. It had been many weeks since he had gone up and down the aisles in a store. He has to wear a mask when he is out in the public. Tomorrow I will do some things to prepare for Thanksgiving. The festivities might be scaled back but not the thankfulness. It will be more about family than a feast.
Love and feeling grateful for all of you...Happy Thanksgiving!
Love, Ron & Jan


  1. Glad family is able to spend Thanksgiving with you. It will be a Thanksgiving you will remember & be very special. Our prayers that things will continue to improve. Love and hugs to all.

  2. When we offer our prayer for Thanksgiving we will be especially grateful that we have you as friends and inspiration. Mort and Jan

  3. Our thoughts and prayers will be with you....we have much to be thankful for. It will be special for you having everyone together. Love and hugs to all. Ned & Terry

  4. Ron's progress will be another reason for Thanks tomorrow as our family gathers. You will all be in our prayers...and I'm still counting on a "race" with Ron in the near future. Tell him to get 'on the stick'.

    God Bless, Chuck P
