Wednesday, November 30, 2011

November 30: Day +98 after Transplant

Nerve wracking! But good news; the results were back from Ron's bone marrow biopsy taken last week. Everything looked great but most important, no leukemia! He continues to be treated for low immunity (IVIG infusion), low platelets (transfusion of platelets), and the two viruses. As he continues to have his steroids tapered, he will better be able to fight the viruses. He is back on a stronger anti-viral tablet, so hopefully that will bring his level of the CMV virus back to a low level; otherwise, he will be readmitted next week for IV treatment. That particular IV treatment needs to be monitored closely, so hospitalization is required.
Starting next week, Ron's appointments will be located in the new Mott Hospital. Pediatric and adult bone marrow transplant clinics and in-patient hospital units for all BMT patients are located in this new hospital.
We have a few holiday decorations in our apartment, and with a 3-4 inch snowfall last night, it is beginning to look a lot like Christmas. I avoided the black Friday sales and have no regrets. We continue to enjoy watching football and basket ball games. How about those BB Buckeyes?! ...takes away some of the sting from the football season.
Love to all, Ron & Jan

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