Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wednesday, November, 9, 2011: 8th day hospitalized

Ron is continuing to improve. He walked 3 laps in the hallway today (17 laps=1mile) and used the recumbent stepper for 20 minutes...great progress since he was admitted and basically in the bed the first 5 days. He is regaining his strength and should be able to go back to the apartment by Friday. The only major change in meds was dropping the one that he had an adverse reaction to. Ron continues to test positive at a low level for the two stubborn viruses, CMV and BK. The BK virus is the one affecting his bladder, and those symptoms could last for several weeks yet. The symptoms are not as severe now but more than just annoying. He will go home continuing the same two daily IV meds as before and several meds in ointment, pill or liquid form. I have to use a detailed chart to record his meds and keep them on schedule. His slight rash on his arms has resolved this week. GVHD of the skin is reddish when it starts, then browns, and lastly, peels with new, normal skin underneath. This process takes quite awhile. The goal is to continue lowering the dose of steroids each week without more flare-ups of GVHD of his skin or gut. This current flare-up did not have gut symptoms.
Although this hospitalization was a "downer" for both of us, both of us are now back on track with the " we can do this" attitude. Accepting and facing these challenges is a part of the recovery process. Thanks for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers.
Love, Ron & Jan


  1. Just prepare for the future one moment at a time. Dealing with only what's right in front of you helps you see the progress you are making. This on-going testament to your strength and resolve makes me proud to number among your friends. Mort

  2. Good news! Walking the hospital halls may seem small but I know it is a major step forward in the process. All the systems start working better with some movement. I hope this process will fix the lean to the left Ron has had since Ft Sill!

