Monday, November 7, 2011

Monday, November 7, 2011

Ron will be evaluated today as to his progress after 5 days of hospitalization. He is categorized as "failure to thrive" which means he is not eating enough or exercising enough to move ahead with his recovery. The transplant is producing new blood cells, but his body continues to fight the graft enough to have caused a slight rash again on his arms. This being said his meds to counteract the rejection are significantly scaled back, so that is progress. I am not sure when they will try reducing steroids again. He has not left the room since admitted, so I am very glad that the PT will continue working with him to exercise and walk.


  1. We are praying for peace & comfort for you both.
    Love to you, Ann & Bob

  2. God Bless you guys. Keep the faith and be strong. We love you. Mary
