Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Days 90 and 91 After Transplant: Nov. 22-23

Ron feels like his progress is agonizingly slow. Today he had a doc appointment, bloodwork, bone marrow biopsy, pulmonary function test, and echocardiogram. We were tired when we got back to the apartment! Niccole arrived in the wee hours and will stay until Saturday evening. Cale and Andrew's families will visit us Friday. Niccole and I are planning a "left-over lunch" that could last all afternoon, so we will work on food preparation on Thanksgiving day. It promises to be a warm, sunny fall day here in Michigan.
Ron will return to the clinic next Wednesday and also have a light therapy treatment. An infusion has been scheduled for Friday, and he will have physical therapy 3 times next week. The doc told us that it takes about twice the amount of time to recover from steroids as the time that you are on steroids. Ron continues to have his steroids tapered each week, but he has been on them for about 10 weeks. So this recovery is going to be the long haul, but as long as we keep moving ahead, we find great reward in that.
Love, Ron & Jan

1 comment:

  1. We are so glad that you will be able to share the holiday with family & that Ron is moving forward. Any pace forward is better than none I'm sure you would agree. Remain optimistic and remember to enjoy the moments. Love & hugs to all. Ann & Bob
