Saturday, November 12, 2011

The weekend begins! Day #80 after transplant 11-12-11

Ron was discharged yesterday. It is a whole day process to see the doc and PA on morning rounds, finish the daily IV meds at the hospital so we don't have to do them at the apartment, go over prescriptions for home, order meds for home delivery, receive a summary of hospital treatment, go over instructions with the PA and then again with the nurse, and go to the hospital pharmacy to pick up other prescriptions. We had accumulated less in the room, so packing up belongings only required 2 suitcases. I took those to the truck before Ron himself left. He walked out with his walker, and it is a hearty walk to the parking garage. We were back to the apartment by about 6:00 PM.
Whew! It is the 9th time we have gone through the discharge process at U of M Hospital, so we know well that when they tell you at 10 AM that you're being discharged that it will be an all day process, but you go home prepared with instruction for care and everything that you will need. Ron will be on most of the same meds and IVs at home. He is trying something new for bladder symptoms and is also taking an appetite stimulant. PT will continue 3 days a week at home, and eating and exercise are vital to regaining weight, stamina, and muscle mass. The goal will be to progress enough so that we can return to Gilead Lake; we are still hopeful that that will be some time in December. Ron goes back to the clinic Monday and Wednesday next week. They will follow his progress and blood counts closely. At one point his weight was 156 at the hospital but now in low 160s. The challenge will be for me to cook well, but only Ron should gain weight!

1 comment:

  1. Great to hear your back "home" and that he is doing better. Remind him it is the time of year to eat....lots! ~Jill
