Friday, November 4, 2011

Friday, November 4, 2011

Ron is where he needs to be. They are tracking what he eats to see if he will need some type of IV nutrition starting Monday. He was given a med to boost appetite. The physical therapist is also working with him. He will need to be eating an adequate number of calories, be able to walk safely with his walker, and the symptoms of graft versus host disease gone. Dr. Magenau visited this evening on his way home; he is Ron's primary BMT doctor. Another doctor is the service doctor on the unit, but they work in tandem to provide Ron's care. I asked the difficult question if 100 days was still a realistic goal for Ron to be well enough that we could go home. That is no longer a possibility, but I could not ask how long he thought it would be. This is day #72 past transplant day. We moved to Ann Arbor August 15. Today when I put up pictures of home in Ron's room, I felt homesick, but this is what we need to be doing because we have a lot of things we still want to do together. This recovery is the long haul.

Today Ron had his ECP light therapy in the room; in December he will go for clinic visits and ECP in the new Mott Hospital. They had the dedication ceremony yesterday. The new hospital is the children's and women's hospital and all bone marrow transplant patients. It is attached to the existing medical center complex. I don't know if I have ever mentioned that parking is inside huge parking garages, so we are never out in the weather when we come for appointments or when I come to visit. The social worker provided me with a parking pass, so I only pay 50 cents a day to park, and we have a handicap parking permit.
Thanks again for your support in so many ways. We truly feel your presence out there, and it means so much to us.
Love, Ron & Jan


  1. "When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place." - Anon.

    Mort and Jan

  2. That is a great quotation! Thank you friends. Love, Jan
