Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tuesday, November, 2011

Okay, if we have to readjust our thinking, we will do it. Both of us felt discouraged with Ron back-sliding with his recovery to the point it was necessary to be hospitalized again. No doubt it was necessary, and in a way, it seemed good to have an answer to the side effects that he was experiencing which were caused by one of his medications. Not that everything is perfect now, but he is back on the road to making progress. They continue to fine tune him with various IV medications and hydration. The physical therapist is working with him each day, and we have "homework exercises." -- not that I would call myself his personal trainer.
Ron's nurse practitioner, Sarah, is seeing him daily now , so it feels like we have more continuity and one on one attention. She took care of Ron at the time of his transplant, and her home town is near ours. It feels good to have a plan to get through this bump in the road. So many things are about finding a balance-- we want to remain optimistic but have to stay guarded as well -- in regard to the length of time it might be necessary to live in Ann Arbor.
Okay, if we have to readjust our thinking, we will do it.

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