Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Monday -Tuesday, November 28-29, 2011

Cold and rainy today with snow on the way... sounds like a good day to curl up with a book (or the IPad). We have eaten our way through the Thanksgiving left-overs and are starting to think about our Christmas cards; the season is definitely changing.
Ron had physical therapy yesterday and will again today. She comes to the apartment; his immune system and stamina will need to improve to be able to go to a public setting for PT. The doc called yesterday to change Ron's anti-viral medication. His CMV virus count was elevated. This stronger med and the virus itself can affect bloodcounts, so he will need bloodtests more than once a week again. He feels somewhat better, and his appetite has improved...just waiting to see some progress on the scales. Tomorrow will be a long day with 3 appointments at the hospital. Because of the locations of the appointments, we will use a wheelchair beginning when we arrive.
Thanks again for your continued support during "the long haul". We appreciate all you do to help us hang in there day to day.
Love, Ron & Jan

1 comment:

  1. I assume the hospital has a valet service & you need to use it Jan. It made it so much easier for me to just get Laurie into a wheelchair & not worry about the car on her last appointments. All the cancer centers are so well set up & you need to take advantage of all the services they have to help you. Love & hugs. Ann & Bob
