Friday, December 2, 2011

Day 100!! December 2, 2011

It still feels like a very special number even though we are not making our plans to move home. The graft versus host disease which affected Ron's skin and gut soon after transplant required a high dosage of steroids to control. He continues to be slowly weaned off the steroids and cannot go home until he is off the steroids. They have been dropping him a quarter pill each week. He is on 1 pill each morning now. (1 1/4 pills last week) Because of the steroid treatment, his medications for the two viruses that reactivated have not been as effective, so the viruses continue to be an issue. The CMV virus is the one that might cause him to be hospitalized next week. The doc believes that his progress will accelerate as the steroids are eliminated from his treatment.
This morning Ron is receiving an IVIG infusion which will bolster his immune system. This infusion is the one that has antibodies from 1000 donors. Amazing! Ron is in an infusion room this morning that has 20 recliners against a curved glass wall to the outside. I am looking at evergreens and bare trees that have white lights. It is snowy and a pretty view.

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