Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Tuesday-Wednesday, December 6-7

It was a good day. Ron's pill medication is controlling the CMV virus, so he will not need to be hospitalized for more aggressive treatment. The doc also tapered the steroid dose again today. Because the new clinic is only for adult bone marrow patients, it is much less busy. Pediatric patients have a separate clinic, and patients with other cancers continue to be treated at the cancer center. The clinic nurses will also spend time with patients during appointments in addition to the PA and doc. In the past although we had phone contact with the nurses, Ron did not see them during appointments. This is a great change!
Ron will continue to have two daily IV infusions at the apartment and continue with the same medications. His weight loss is not greater than what they anticipate, and they expect that to turn around soon. Indeed, a good day:)

1 comment:

  1. Laurie had a nurse practioner assigned to her at the beginning who stayed with her until the last oncology Dr took over for the end of life care thru hospice. It was a great benefit to always be able to call her if we had a question or problem so I think having a one on one relationship with the same RN is a great benefit especially as she went thru a number of different oncologists. Being in a smaller more specialized setting will help you I think. We continue to pray for continued improvement & comfort. Love to all Ann & Bob
