Friday, December 9, 2011

Thursday-Friday December 8-9, 2011

It is snowy white out there again this morning! We put twinkling white lights on the first pine tree outside our living room slider, and it looks so pretty this morning. I have wrapped a few packages to mail, so it is just enough to feel in the spirit but not stressed.
Ron had physical therapy yesterday and will again today. I found him a red cane but he is not ready to transition to it yet. His upper body muscles are stronger than the muscles in his legs.
I didn't mention in my last blog that he also had a thorough eye exam Wednesday. He is in a study where his 2X daily eyedrops have a steroid in them instead of using Restases which is the protocol eye drop. Eye changes especially dryness, change in vision, and change in eye pressure can be side effects of the transplant procedure. Although he does have some blurriness at times, his eyes tested 20-20 with his glasses, and tear production and eye pressure were normal. He had a series of tests that lasted over an hour. To measure tear production, a blue dye is put in the eye while it is numbed, and miniature white candy cane shaped papers are hooked at the outside lower lids of his eyes, he wears those for 5 minutes, and blue tears change the color of the papers. My eyes are watering as I describe it! This was to test for dryness of his eyes, and his eyes are still normal. She told us that eye and vision changes have usually presented themselves by now if that is going to happen. So, more good news regarding his eyes!
We hope all of you are feeling the joys of the season and are not too stressed with holiday preparations. Although we had not planned on spending Christmas away from home in Ann Arbor, a quiet acceptance of what must be has settled in. It certainly does not measure up to many of the things that Ron has had to endure this year, and in some ways, it simplifies things.
Love, Ron & Jan

Ron's phone is working again, and he is able to text.

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