Thursday, December 15, 2011

Thursday, December 15, 2011

...just a quick note to let you know that Ron has not had any more pain the last two days. He has a follow-up appointment Friday morning to re-check his bloodwork and to have a transfusion of platelets. The valcyte that he takes for the CMV virus is hard on the bone marrow..especially his platelets level. The doc is planning to keep him on valcyte until Ron has a negative result on the virus test, so he will need transfusions periodically as a result. So there is a plan to get through this time, and except for the one day of abdominal pain, Ron is feeling pretty good. Hopefully, it will be possible to taper the steroids again next week. Home by February 1???

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure it was hard to have to stay through the holidays, but Thank God you have such amazing care where you are. Aren't we lucky to live within close range of such amazing medical care here in MI!
