Monday, December 26, 2011

December 22-26, 2011

We have been enjoying family the past few days as I am sure most of you have been doing as well. Niccole and Cole have been staying with us for several days; Andrew, Lisa, and Abby came to visit, and we traveled to Bowling Green for Christmas Eve and Christmas morning. It was only the second time that we had left Ann Arbor since mid-August. (and the first overnight). As we have traditionally enjoyed for several years now, we attended services at Cale and Jessica's church and then had a late dinner with her family at her parents' home. Ron had set goals to be able to do this for Christmas and to be able to walk with just his cane. It was a triumphant time, and we were tired when we returned to Ann Arbor, but so happy to have had this Christmas to enjoy. So much fun at this time of the year with 7 of the 8 grandchildren still believing in Santa and elves!! The Christmas cards, notes, letters, texts, and pictures we have received have meant so much to us. We have truly felt the joy of the season.
Back to our medical routine tomorrow! Ron has appointments on Tuesday and Wednesday. Many aspects of his recovery seem evident to us. He is walking much better and is overall, just stronger. He lifts weights and has other exercises he does. His appetite has improved. 2012 will be a great year. It is time to start making some new year resolutions!

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