Monday, December 12, 2011

Day 110 after Transplant: December 12

I have been working on the Christmas cards, so this year I am really appreciating the past years when Ron addressed all of the envelopes! Either the viruses or the meds for the viruses give Ron tremors, so handwriting is just too frustrating for him. I am hoping when meds are adjusted again on Wednesday that the tremors will go away. (If so, he can help with the cards because I will not be finished:)
When we were home yesterday, I hunted down our Christmas stockings and mugs. I saw our tree in the closet downstairs and my tubs of decorations. The thought of using all that stuff, and I like stuff, would be overwhelming. It reminded me of how it felt good to simplify things when we used to spend weekends and summer days at the cottage. My sister, Anne, and I have often reminisced about this. It is amazingly easy to allow yourself to adjust to what must be. As you might be able to tell, I have a lot of time for reflection.
Less than 2 weeks to Christmas and not stressed. Too much.
Love, Ron & Jan

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