Saturday, December 17, 2011

Saturday, December 17: day 115

Light snow, tree lit up-- one inside and one outside, fireplace going, and wrapped packages under our little tree..very festive! Ron's brother, Rick, GG his mother, and Tamra will arrive soon for pie and ice cream. The mood should be set for me to work on our Christmas cards later today.
Ron did have his bloodwork done yesterday and had a transfusion of platelets. It took 4 1/2 hours at the hospital; it was not a well-oiled machine yesterday. Frustrating for me but the good news was that his lab tests showed liver enzymes had improved significantly. We do not have to return until Wednesday.
Enjoy the festivities of the season and again we thank you sincerely for your support in a myriad of ways for Ron's recovery from the bone marrow transplant. It has done so much to keep our spirits positive.
Love, Ron & Jan


  1. So glad to hear that there are some positive signs for you. I am sure your day at the lake house was positive medicine! Know that we think of you everyday and continue to keep you in our prayers. HUGS to both of you. Take care. (By the way, our family elf on the shelf is Pixell) Ned & Terry

  2. Love it! Hearing the names of the elves and their antics has been so much fun!! William, Matt's son, texted me this morning at 7:21 and told me that he, Anna, and Sarah had been looking for the elf since 6 and still hadn't found it. Ha!
