Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Tuesday-Wednesday December 13-14, 2011

Felt like we had hopped back on the roller coaster yesterday... Ron was awake and up at 6:00 with lower abdominal pain. Two oxycodone didn't phase it, so I called the clinic at 8:00, and they told me to bring him in to the ER. In 41 years of marriage that was the first time that he asked me to take him to the ER. He was given morphine which controlled the pain rather quickly. They were not sure what was going on, so he had a CT scan. That ruled out appendicitis which was a possibility. They do know that he had some internal inflammation where the pain was, but he didn't have any other symptoms like fever or vomitting. The bloodwork showed his platelets were quite low, so in the afternoon he was taken to the infusion center in the new BMT Clinic. There he saw the BMT doc on call and our regular nurse. It was a long day: gone 8:30-6:00 and then back this morning at 7:00 for more bloodwork and appt. with his regular doctor. Yesterday they allowed him to go home because he had a scheduled appointment early today. However if the pain had returned (it didn't ), he was to return to the hospital for admission.
Ron's bloodwork today showed that his liver enzymes are elevated, so they have dropped one of his meds, and additional bloodtests were taken to check for other viruses. He will go back on Friday for more platelets and bloodtests. He feels very good today, and this whatever this is, could dissipate on its own and not have been anything significant other than the pain he had yesterday. Because "something is going on", they were not able to taper his steroids today.
Love to all, Ron & Jan

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