Tuesday, December 27, 2011

December 27, 2011: Day 125 after Transplant

Today's clinic visit went relatively quickly because today's bloodtest indicated that Ron did not need a platelets transfusion. His blood counts are still low but improving since his antiviral med was changed. We do return tomorrow for an appointment with the PA, breathing treatment as a precaution to prevent pneumonia, and his photopheresis light therapy treatment. We will be there several hours and are anticipating that the steroid dosage will again be lowered. Yeah!!
It has turned snowy and cold and looks and feels like winter. Today I worked on the last of my Christmas cards; there might be a few stragglers yet to do because I need to recheck my list. I really missed having Ron organize the list and address the envelopes.
Ron continues to feel better than he has for quite awhile, and we are so encouraged that we are in the last weeks of our stay in Ann Arbor. Ron will continue to be followed closely after we move back home, but we really don't know any details of that yet. It feels good to be thinking about moving back to Gilead Lake. We are expecting to move home in February after 6 months away.
Have a good new year's eve!


  1. We are praying for continued progress & are so glad you had a good Christmas with your family. It is so encouraging that Ron is improving each day. Love & hugs Ann & Bob

  2. Going home the end of February is good news!! Know that you are always in our thoughts and prayers and "HOPE" you might be going home earlier! John and Marcia

  3. We are filled with HOPE that 2012 will be a special year for us. Our holiday celebrations were so meaningful this year, and now we are settling back into our routine--such as it is. Some days that means napping as needed! We are planning a trip home for overnight this weekend. Thanks for all the good thoughts and prayers being sent our way.
    Ron & Jan
