Monday, December 5, 2011

December 5, 2011: the learning curve

We were off to the brand new Bone Marrow Clinic and Infusion Center at 7:10 this morning. This meant going to a new parking garage as well. The BMT Clinic is housed in the new Mott Children's and Women's Hospital at the University of Michigan Medical Center and is connected to the existing center. The BMT Clinic falls under the Comprehensive Cancer Center but is housed at Mott's instead of the Cancer Center. Only the BMT Clinic moved to the new hospital. It is located on the 7th floor of the hospital, and the in-patient hospital ward for BMT patients is housed on the same floor.(both pediatric and adult bone marrow patients)

That being said, everything went quite smoothly considering Ron was the first patient to receive a transfusion in the new infusion center. He received platelets today. The valcyte that he is taking to fight the viruses is hard on the bone marrow, so he may need additional transfusions of platelets or red blood cells during this treatment. He had a bloodtest this morning (That is on the 2nd floor of the new hospital.) to see how well the valcyte is fighting the CMV virus. When Ron sees the doc on Wednesday, we will know what is hopeful that he won't have to be admitted for IV treatment for the virus that must be done as an in-patient. We really don't care to see the new hospital rooms although they're said to be lovely. Ron continues to eat well at home but is losing weight; I really don't know at what point this might be a factor in another hospital stay. When we first got home 11-11-11 his weight hovered around 160. He weighed 153 this morning. Finally, the swelling in his lower legs and feet is resolved, so that was probably a part of the weight loss. The GVHD of the skin has not returned...good news! The physical therapy sessions are scheduled 3 times a week at home, so we do continue to feel like we are moving ahead. Also, we anticipate the steroids being tapered again on Wednesday. Thanks once again for the support that continues to come to us in many ways. We appreciate your messages, emails, cards, prayers, texts, and positive wishes and thoughts. Every gesture helps more than you probably imagine.
Love, Ron & Jan

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