Thursday, April 15, 2010

April 14 - 15 Update

We do have good news; it is unlikely that Ron will need a bone marrow transplant. Chemotherapy is/will be the type of treatment needed for his type of leukemia. We will know more specifics by next week. At this point he is doing very well, just having to deal with some nosebleeds (of the dripping type, not gushing).

We are still hoping for a return home on May 1, one month after Ron was admitted to University Hospital here at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

Thanks for all of the kind wishes, good thoughts, and prayers that have streamed our way.

Sincerely, Jan


  1. Great news!!!-----Chip:)

  2. Glad to hear. Mom and dad gave me the addy for the blog so I can keep up to date while I'm on the road. I hope to get back and visit you all at the lake.


  3. Wonderful...stay strong...Sandy
