Sunday, April 11, 2010

Jan's Update - April 11

Hello Family and Friends,We are watching the last round of the Masters, reading the Sunday paper, and snacking; that sounds like a pretty typical Sunday afternoon for us. We had both napped too after Andy, Lisa, and Abby left. When we ate lunch in the hospital cafe, Abby (almost 3 years) said, "Oh, no, this is not yummy in my tummy."

Ron finished his last IV of chemotherapy last night around 10:00, so that was a good milestone. He had a stubborn fever yesterday, lasting from 4 PM until late morning today; that was worrisome for us because of the infection in his throat that had caused the pain and swelling. We were fearful of those symptoms returning but it was not so dramatic this time. He had platelets and 2 units of blood today. Now the fever is gone, and he has started to eat a little soft food again.

The next step is the second bone marrow biopsy on Friday, hearing the results of the genetic testing of the leukemia cells, so the next step of treatment can be determined. Our best case scenario is 2+ weeks of recovery in the hospital, discharge about May 1, and out patient chemotherapy for a few weeks. We tentatively plan to return to Ann Arbor for the out patient chemo sessions.

It was hard saying good-by to Andy today; he is deploying to Iraq after next week at Ft. Benning. He should be home by October. For those of you that don't know, there is a 30 room hotel right here in the hospital, and I have been able to stay there part of the nights and get a few hours of uninterrupted sleep. Matt's family and Niccole's families have returned home. Lisa and Abby will be with her parents for awhile. Cale's family lives about 75 minutes away from the hospital. I plan to return home one night a week to gather mail and check the homefront. My drive home is a little over 2 hours. We are so grateful for so many family members being able to visit us at the hospital during our first 11 days here. Ron could see the grandchildren playing in the courtyard from his 8th floor window, and they provided me with several funny stories to tell Ron. There is a sandy area with a small playground and amazing playhouse for kids. Thanks, too, for emails, the blog, prayers, cards, etc.

Visitors are very limited now due to Ron's compromised immune system. Andy and Cale hooked up a new printer in Ron's room, so I have been printing out paper copies of emails for him.

Love to all, Jan


  1. I am a friend of Jess and Cale's. I wanted you to know that I have been praying for both of you. Praying for comfort and peace in the midst of this storm. Praying that Jan gets the rest she needs and that Ron's immune system would remain strong. Barb Wilhelm

  2. I am Karen (Currier) Gleason - an old Burr Oak class mate of Ron's. Tom Eldridge had been sending updates and now has told us about your blog. I just wanted you and Ron to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers.

  3. Hi Ron and Jan. Its been a long time since we worked at the toll road.

    I was in total shock with news of your illness Ron and wish you well as you endure the treatments. You're a tuff nut Doc and since you and Eldridge have taken so much joy in bashing me recently with your emails I need you to recover soon so that I can reply to them with my version of "Doc and Terrible" bashing.

    Bill Harwood

  4. Hi -

    Just wanted to let you all know that Rob and I have been thinking about you! Hang in there and please let us know if there is anything we can do.

    Kacee Ferrell Snyder
