Thursday, April 8, 2010

Wednesday, April 7 Update

We have had a very rough day; the most difficult day following the best day; that was so unexpected. Ron had developed an infection that made him very uncomfortable with swelling and soreness in his neck and throat. it is controlled now with super antibiotics and pain medication. He is sleeping pretty well tonight. It was great having son Andrew with us for this day; he is an RN specializing in O.R. nursing. He helped with asking questions and furthur explaining medical jargon. He will deploy to Iraq in about a week.
Ron's address is below if you want to drop a note to him. He likes sports clippings from the newspaper...just an idea.

Ron Hover
1500 E. Medical Dr.
8B Room 138
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5112



  1. Thanks for doing the post, It is very helpful in keeping everyone that is concerned about Ron in the loop. Our prayers continue for Ron's recovery.

    Jim Reneau

  2. I second that comment. How wonderful to be kept up on the information flow about Ron's situation. Jan and family, we are praying for Ron and you all as well.

    Tom Glick
