Saturday, April 17, 2010

April 17

Happy weekend to all of you. Friday was a bit more of an eventful day. Ron had his 2nd bone marrow biopsy today, and we will have the results next week. 70% of patients with the same chemo and leukemia are in remission at this point.

His spirits are still high, and we are anxious to know test results next week, so we know what the next stage of his treatment will be. (and most of all: when we can go home) We continue to hope for May 1.

Overall, side effects of his chemo have been manageable and mostly minor. He has no more nosebleeds. His appetite has improved, but many foods taste "metallic". His sore throat continues to bother him but pain medication keeps him comfortable and helps him sleep.

I am in the Med Inn for 3 nights over the weekend. I will go there 12-7 A.M. approximately. We are looking forward to Cale's Gang coming Sunday. Andrew's flight to Kuwait is delayed because of the volcanic eruption. (ash in the atmosphere) He thinks it will probably go this weekend.

Ron will have platelets and 2 units of blood today (Saturday); this is "normal" during this stage of treatment.


1 comment:

  1. Hey Ron,

    Just got the news this morning. Couldn't believe that you were sick. I missed the first part and now it looks like you're recovering nicely. Looking forward to seeing you in early May. Our best wishes for you.

    Phil & Carol
