Friday, April 9, 2010

FYI about Visits

Several people have inquired about visiting Dad. The doctors have recommended that visitors be kept to a minimum until his immune system has recovered from the chemotherapy. I think they'd like to limit visits to immediate family members.

However, cards, letters, blog comments, and texts are all much appreciated. I know all of the support that my dad is getting is really helping.


  1. Ron and Jan,
    Just wanted you to know that all of us here (the LLMF, Pope, Bobby and myself) are hoping that today is going well for you, and especially that things continue to get better. The LLMF is busy cleaning out the van so Jimmy can use it today - Lord only knows what he'll find in there since Bobby has taken it over! He is also busy ranting about Tiger's return to the Masters.
    We're sure you're keeping the staff on their toes and giving them some good laughs.
    Know that we as well as all your friends and family are praying for you. LLMF is hoping to see you soon and give you a hard time.
    Love from all of us

  2. Ron and Jan,

    Rob and I are thinking of you two and our prayers are with you. Ron--keep getting better and stronger each day.

    Chip :)
