Saturday, April 10, 2010

Jan's Update - April 8 - 9

Things have gotten better again! Ron still has some neck swelling and a very sore throat, and he has a fever at times, but it responds well to ice packs and tylenol. Andy's wife, Lisa, and daughter Abby are in the area now, traveling in from Savannah, GA. Matt's family has traveled in from Adams, TN near Ft. Campbell, KY. Cale's family will be coming up from BG, OH. Niccole and her family are heading home to VA. I have a hotel room here in the hospital; WiFi is good too. I have a new netbook computer that I am using, and we are working on a printer, so I can make paper copies of the messages to Ron. I am looking forward to a good day and seeing more family today.

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