Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Message from Jan

Mail would be a boost for Ron. If you have a chance, drop him a line. He is not feeling quite as well today as the last 2 days. Andy is here with me; great having the family RN here!


  1. Hi Uncle Ron,
    I hear you are not feeling so good today. Hang in there! I am thinking of you! I am sending you some information on xerostomia...the fancy word for "dry mouth"! Please rest up and have positive thoughts of being back on the lake fishing, where you will be in just a few short months.
    I am glad that they have you in a private rooms, as it should be half the amount of interruptions without a roommate. Please keep us posted when you feel up to it, and don't forget to tune into the Tigers! ((Hugs)) ~Jill

  2. hey Ron, how's my favorite retired military guy? keep that strong hover spirit soaring....this may be a bit of a long road but you have a fantastic support network in your family and friends! There's tons of love surrounding you...let it work along with the thousands of prayers being offered for your healing. I am sure they are treating you wonderfully..what else would you expect from the go blue gang? just cheer one small GO BLUE for me? I'll get it out of you some day!!! cheers, Ron...only good thoughts heading your way from ol' BG. God Bless...Wendy

  3. Hi Ron, Hope your feeling better today, I understand yesterday was tuff. We hope for better days ahead for you. We are glad your in a private room now you can work on getting better and rest without interlopers keeping you up! We are already thinking of which lake we will have breakfast on first. See you on Sat! #3 Sister-in-law Vicki

  4. Ron and I feel the support and good wishes coming in from friends and family. Ron says "screw the weather" We won't use that as a reason not to go out on the lake for breakfast. He keeps his good humor as you might imagine. The medical support and care here at U of M are fantastic. I might have to buy a T-shirt. Love, Jan
