Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Jan's Update - April 13

Ron has not had much in the way of chemotherapy side effects except being tired and periodic fever of 101-102. They continue to check him for rashes, swelling, abdominal pain, but none of these have occurred, and he has not been nauseous but does not have much of an appetite.

He is eating better though and taking more fluids just by drinking more. He had a "real Pepsi" last night...first one in several weeks.Overall, we have had 2 really good days. He has not had a fever for over 24 hours now and has had 2 consecutive good nights of sleep.

He is still taking pain medication for the pain caused by the bleeding abscess in his throat. He has platelets and units of blood on the schedule today. We do feel like we have passed through the first phase, first crisis, and are in a holding pattern until results of genetic testing and the next blood marrow biopsy are in.

Then we will know what is next; this will happen about Monday-Tuesday. I am returning home to Gilead Lake today and will spend the night organizing bills, other mail, washing clothes, checking on the cats, etc., returning to Ann Arbor about 4:00 tomorrow.

Love, Jan

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ron and Jan - just wanted to let you know that we are thinking of you all and praying for the best. I'm glad that grandkids are able to visit because they sure brighten spirits wherever they go. They just let you forget about your troubles for a while and bring sunshine into our lives.
    Keep your chin up Ron. You're one of the strongest men I know.
    Thanks for the blog. It really helps:)
    Jodi Laubis
