Friday, April 30, 2010

Jan's Update: April 24 -29

Ron and I have enjoyed our days home at the lake. Spring is in full swing, and a visit by 4 of the grandchildren (ages 1, 2, 3, and 5) was a special dose of good medicine. Cale, Jessica, and Lisa helped with jobs in the house and yard. Everyone was so busy; Ron and I both had to take a nap when they started back to Bowling Green. much fun for us. The little ones always make us laugh and put things in perspective.During the week we also made trips to Coldwater for Ron to have blood tests and meet his local oncology doctor.

On Thursday we traveled back to Ann Arbor to visit U of M Cancer Center when Ron had appointments for a blood draw and bone marrow biopsy. Tuesday, May 4, is our return date to University Hospital where Ron will be admitted for his next round of chemotherapy. He will be hospitalized 5-6 days. His blood counts have mostly recovered to normal ranges. Yeah!Thanks for your many expressions of support.

Check out Cale's message on the following link if you have not done so.

Enjoy the day,Love, Jan

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ron and Jan!

    Cale has done a great job setting up your blog- what a great idea! Wanted to let you know that we're thinking about you- Take care!
    Robyne and Tony Kramp
