Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Jan's Update - 4/21

We continue to feel so happy that Ron's last bone marrow biopsy indicated that he is cancer free. Now he is recuperating from the chemotherapy and will be able to go home when his blood counts stay in a normal range without interventions. He is receiving injections of neupogen which boost the immune system. He had a transfusion of platelets today and will remain on the IV antibiotics. We anticipate about one more week in the hospital.

Ron will have follow-up blood tests 3 times a week at our home hospital. It will be approximately 3 weeks into May when he returns to U of M for more chemo. This cycle of chemo followed by a period of time at home will probably occur for 3 months.

We are so anxious to get home and be moving on to this second stage of treatment called consolidation chemotherapy. Ron is feeling good and enjoying several hours a day unhooked from the IV pole. We can sit outside or move around to more areas of the hospital. This complex is HUGE! Our favorite inside area is the Atrium, an inside garden with a little waterfall, pond, bamboo trees, and many other small trees and plants. It is a huge solarium. Peaceful.


  1. That's great news. Continued recovery, Hov. I think just getting out of Ann Arbor will result in a better mental state. You may be in a wonderful hospital but its still in THAT city. Do I now have more hair than you?? Wishing you the best. Mo

  2. Hi Ron & Jan,

    We have been following Ron's progress since we got your e-mail last week. We are thrilled to hear about his improvement. We look forward to seeing you all when we get to the lake. If there is anything we can do to help, please do not hesitate to ask. Carol, Phil & Kramer

  3. This is great news! Hope you received the pictures from the boat trip. We didnt know your address changed. We will keep you in our thought and prayers.
    Ron and Pam Jennings
