Monday, April 19, 2010

Sunday Update

My family and I had a very nice visit with my Mom and Dad yesterday (Sunday, 4/18). We were totally surprised that my dad was on the lower level of the hospital to greet us! My mom can periodically take him out of the hospital room in a wheel chair as long as he wears a mask. He was able to hang out in my mom's room in the Med Inn that is attached to the hospital and spend some time around the kids. They seemed really glad to see their grandpa -- it was a nice surprise. I'm not sure Jack (age 3) was convinced it was really him until he took down his mask for a second to give him a peek of his face. Jack's look of recognition was priceless!

Later in the day we went out to eat with my mom in downtown Ann Arbor with a friend of ours that lives there. My mom hadn't really seen the downtown area much (she's been pretty much living at the hospital), so that was good.

We're hoping for good news today or tomorrow from the current round of tests. Then we'll better know what to expect next.

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