Tuesday, February 7, 2017

A visit by Blue

Ron has not felt as good today. He didn't eat any breakfast or lunch, and he had pain in his chest but consistently scores it 3 on a scale of 10. Dr. Wojo visited him twice. He had nitro to see if it might be related to his heart, but hot compresses on his chest helped the most. (And oxy) He has a slight fever. He didn't want to get out of the bed today, just feeling that the whole lift routine was too much. He cannot bear any weight on his feet, and his core is weak, so there is no other way to transfer him bed to chair. He did eat some dinner and is now watching basketball.
Some big news of the day is that I brought Blue, our cat, in to BG Manor see Ron. Ron has asked repeatedly to go home to see Blue or bring him in. Blue was a good boy, lying down by Ron and purring. He also liked looking out the window.
With hospice services, no bloodwork, monitors, or other tests are done. No IVs, no pokes for blood draws, but I suspect the chest pain has to do with his lungs. It seemed fitting to have rain all day.

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