Saturday, February 4, 2017

An Eventful Day

Friday was a fully scheduled day through late afternoon. My day started early!! I am thankful for a smallish bladder because then I check Ron as he sleeps. Friday morning at 4:30 AM, I looked at him when I was up and noticed that his face looked mottled. I keep the blinds slightly open at night, so the street lighting can filter in. His hands were warm under his fuzzy blanket, but when I checked his oxygen level, it was only 62%. (oxygen flow is adjusted to keep it in the 90%s) My first thought was that I was looking at the finger monitor upside down; my second thought was that the finger monitor wasn't working right. I had a second finger monitor with me, so I got it out. Same thing. I checked the oxygen machine, and it was on 4 liters, not 6 which he requires now. The nurse was very close by, and quickly noticed that his oxygen tubing had kinked. The machine bumped back up to 6, and Ron was coherent and responding to questions. His oxygen level rose to near 90 over a couple minutes. I had had such a shot of adrenaline, that I was wide awake for the day. I had gone home to sleep the previous night, but at 10:00 that night, I curled up on my bed in Ron's room and fell asleep. I think that I was just meant to be there.
So on Friday we had several great visits: my sister, her husband George and nieces Kara and Jody. My brother's daughter, Casey, also drove over; all of them are from Indiana. Ron's brother Rick and wife Tammy also visited; Rick had Ron laughing as they reminisced. So good to hear that belly laugh. Two longtime friends from BG visited us early Friday.
Ron's medical visits were from the BG Manor nurses and aides who have been beyond wonderful, same to be said for his hospice nurse who came, and a physical therapist evaluated Ron for the possibility of, with help, stand and pivot directly into a chair by the bed, but his core and legs are just too weak. A lift is used to transfer him from bed to chair.
This morning I have written a basketball "viewing schedule" for Ron, and he as slept all morning. A very sleepy day usually follows an active day, but not to worry, there are basketball games until midnight. I am starting with Purdue and Maryland, and Anne and George will soon be arriving for the weekend. We have had Super Bowl plans for weeks.
Love to all,
Ron & Jan

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