Saturday, February 25, 2017

Ron is at peace. February 24, 2017

Ron passed away at about 6:30 this evening. Overall, it was a peaceful day. Cale and Jessica spent part of the day with us, coming and going before and after Anne and George came from Indiana. Matt arrived from VA about 5:30. I had told Ron that he was coming, and I think he held on to see Matt. We are so grateful that the suffering of this great warrior has ended.
We will celebrate his life in Bowling Green in April.
Love, Jan


  1. Ron taught me many things over the years. His greatest gift to me is the lesson of strength and courage he showed through this battle. Prayers to you Jan. The support you provided for years is unmatched by anyone. You two have shown so many people what the word "love" really means.

    Richard Browne

    1. Ron was so many things to so many people. When I heard about his passing tonight I was at a high school basketball game. One of the first thoughts I had was that god had called him to heaven because there was a big game there tonight. Rest in peace my friend!

  2. We share many memories of when the kids were young and now you and I share many experiences as a caregiver. May you now find love and support from you family and friends. You two shared a great love that will live on through your children. You are in our prayers Jan. Love & hugs, Ann & Bob

  3. Jan-I can't imagine the pain and suffering that you, Ron, and your family have gone through during the last 7 years. That's a very long time to remain strong and hopeful. Please know that we will pray for all of you and know that Ron is resting in peace with God. Chris and Don.

  4. Thank you for your kind words and caring thoughts. It means a lot to me.

  5. Hi, Jan. Yesterday I learned of Ron's passing and wanted to offer my sincere condolences to you and your family. Ron was my boss for a couple years at the BG rec center, and it was an absolute pleasure working with him. He somehow seemed to, very naturally, connect with all the students and watch them leave being better human beings than they were before interacting with him. We had many conversations about his family, football, his refereeing, and, of course, golf. Mostly, though, I just remember his absolute genuine kindness and how he would always put a smile on your face. He was a remarkable man. Now that his hard-fought years-long battle is over, I have no doubt he's found that perfect 18-hole course in the sky. May he rest in peace and God bless you and your family.
    Sincerely, Aaron Morgan, BG class of '99
