Thursday, February 16, 2017

Discharged from hospice services

Ron has had another productive day. He had his first physical therapy work in his room. He is no longer receiving hospice services, so physical and occupational therapy are available. He is receiving skilled nursing care. What that means is that he's in the same room at BG Manor, Dr. Wojo continues to be his physician, he has the same nurses and aides (but the hospice nurse does not visit twice a week), he has the same equipment and supplies available, but hospice doesn't provide it.
Ron is now able to move himself in bed, sit up in bed, and swing his legs over the side. He needs two aides to help him stand before taking tiny steps to his chair or wheelchair. He was outside his room and in a wheelchair for the first time yesterday and enjoyed looking out the windows and seeing the birds in a lounge. He has the will to receive physical therapy, so he can regain strength. Both of us have enjoyed visits from friends and family. I continue to sleep here at night but have been leaving for a couple hours during each day. we are less than 5 minutes from our villa.
The kidney specialist at U of M had an ultrasound of Ron's kidneys done to see if an answer could be found for renal failure. They considered a one time dialysis. After the ultrasound he drew a sketch to show me where the injury was that prevented his kidneys from filtering toxins, and he told me that the good news was that his kidneys might repair themselves from this injury which might have been caused from low blood pressure or the fall. Evidently that repair, at least partially, has happened. However, I must remember that his lung damage and compromised immunity cannot be fixed, and they cause a strain on his heart. Perhaps he has more surprises in store for me! The decision to request discharge from hospice services was made to honor his wishes to "never give up" by adding therapy to his healthcare. Therapy is not provided for hospice patients.

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