Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Our first Valentine's Day 1966; ages 17 & 19

More surprises. Last night about 2AM, Ron calls out to me and asks if we have anything in the room to eat because he is hungry. Again he is sitting on the side of his bed, feet dangling. So he had Oreos and Pepsi in the middle of the night! He has had 3 meals and snacks today; he is hungry. He told his friend Jim this morning that he could sit up on the side of the bed but knew that he could not stand up. So glad that he realizes that! He has made a couple transfers to his bedside chair by stand and sidestep with help from 2 aides.
Dr. Wojo made rounds today, and I was ready to beg for some PT for Ron, but he could see the improvements first hand. Hopefully, things have shifted from just comfort care (Hospice) to palliative care which will be comfort care and PT. He will need to continue to show progress. An infection could be devastating, and he would probably go back on hospice services. Things are in motion to make that change, but it hasn't formally happened yet.
When Ron was up at U of M, he was so sick from renal failure that he was very confused at times, couldn't move himself in bed, and couldn't feed himself. He also had injuries from his fall and had had a mild heart attack. Ron has improved enough that he wants to continue the fight. "I'm not ready to throw in the towel"; "Well, I'm NOT just going to quit." "I want to work towards going home." He continues to be the bravest person that I have ever known.


  1. You can't keep a good man down. Especially a pig headed one..ahhaha tell him I said that. This is wild and good news. Amazing man and wonder woman. Life is full of surprises. Keep up the fun and games. Love ya Ginny

  2. Ha! Ron laughed, too. Amazing how he keeps surprising us. 😊

  3. I bet he's thinking about Gilead Lake. Praying hard..
