Friday, February 10, 2017

Not Easy

I guess I had thought that these days would play out like an even-keeled decline, but that has not been the reality. At times Ron is very alert, philosophical, and talkative with a strong voice. Then he might nap for a few hours and awaken with a weak, quiet voice. He has had periods of anger about not being able to go home. The oxy keeps him mostly comfortable. Because he doesn't understand his limitations or understand the care he requires, he doesn't understand why he can't go home or go other places. Today he slept until near noon, again not eating anything until late afternoon. His mood is unpredictable and can change quickly. Last night he asked me why I got to sleep in a bed while he had to sleep in a chair, so I'm not sure what he is thinking at times.
The timeline is very unpredictable, so we just do the best we can.


  1. Hang in there Aunt Jan. Still sending prayers of peace to you both. Jill

  2. You know that Ron has kept me guessing for a very long time! Why should this be different? He called to me at 2AM to help him to the bathroom....sitting on the edge of his bed!!! I don't know how he did that. He's been in bed or transferred by a lift for 3 weeks now.
