Friday, February 24, 2017

Five and one-half years ago today

5.5 years ago today we waited anxiously for the word that Stefan's gift of stem cells for Ron's bone marrow transplant had arrived in Detroit from Sweden. Stefan was one of three, but the only one in the world, that was a match and available to make the donation. He had registered in Be The Match 25 years earlier when in college. His gift allowed us to make many more wonderful memories in spite of the medical complications Ron has endured. At the time of the transplant Ron had just entered his second remission from AML leukemia after nine months of his first remission. It was 7 years ago when Ron started to have sickness that was determined to be leukemia when a blood test was taken the last day of March 2010. He was very sick by then and arrived at U of M on April 1, 2010.

So now we are coming to the end of this journey. Ron is resting peacefully and after having morphine increased to every hour yesterday afternoon and evening and finally getting ahead of all discomfort, morphine every 2-3 hours is keeping him peaceful.
I am feeling so much gratitude for the many doctors, P.A.s, nurses, specialists, aides, family, and many friends who have supported us in such a variety of ways. We are at peace and have no regrets with our decisions.
Love and thanks to all of you,
Ron & Jan


  1. Thank you for the update. You have nothing to regret. You and UR have put up the biggest fight I have ever seen. Always be proud of that. Hugs....Jill

  2. I just want to let you know that you guys have been such a big part of mom's thoughts and prayers over the past several years. I have seen her hope and cry and smile over and over as she reads your messages, and she has called me many times in the last several weeks with anxious updates. Last night she told me how she could never be half as strong as you have been, and went to bed praying for rest and peace for you all, and I know she was feeling pretty helpless. Since she isn't much of a texter, I just wanted to say what I know is in her heart: She loves you so much and wishes she could take your hurt away, but knows you will find rest in God. Hugs from us all.

  3. Every step you have taken brings back so many memories as I'm sure you will experience too. All I can say is we send love & hugs to all. Ann & Bob

  4. Hey Cuz, just a couple of thoughts. Every time I write a note I think of Jan's first assignment she would give to the solders and that was to wright a letter home. She said that some of those guys it was the first time they had done that. I believe your story about having Jan start the car in the mornings when you guys were in Germany was the best. I tell that one a lot. Easter had the best spaghetti! A long time ago we all were at the lake and she just heaped the sauce on my plate. Things were never the same. I do apologize for being the bad cousin and brought all that beer to the lake; Debbie made me do it... The time we spent a few days in Tennessee with you, Jan and the kids on our way to Florida was the best! I still remember watching the twins jumping on the bed having a pillow fight. Someday I will meet you at your lake lot. Take care Ron..
    All our love
    Tom & Debbie Starkweather..
