Thursday, February 2, 2017

Nearing the 7th year anniversary of Ron's journey

Ron continues to keeps me guessing. Each day seems to have its own bumps in the road, but there are many good moments, too. Ron was conversational between his naps and clear-headed compared to our days in the hospital. I think taking him off most of his many medications has been beneficial, and the flushing of his body with IV fluids ridded him at least temporarily of toxins. The IV antibiotics at U of M partially knocked back his infection. However, the underlying chronic problems are still there. He does have some confusion and does not understand his physical limitations. He asks to do things that he can't do and becomes irritated with my explanations. It's pretty mild irritation, mostly tone of voice. His discomfort is controlled with pain medication. Most of his discomfort occurs turning on his right side where the injuries were from his fall at home two weeks ago. Also, the "shingles-like" area across the small of his back is painful. It is healing though, and dressings were changed today.
I went to the villa to sleep last night. I don't think that we had been apart 7 hours since I had to have my knee scoped about 2 1/2 years ago. I am planning on doing the same tonight; Blue is happy to see me and curls up on my lap or next to me. Tomorrow we will have several visitors as well as the Hospice RN.
Thanks for keeping us in your prayers and positive thoughts. Include a prayer for a 15 year old young man who is a nephew of a "distant" Hover relative. He was diagnosed with AML leukemia, like Ron's, about 2 months ago. He has become very ill with infections and pneumonia after his 2nd round of chemo and is on a respirator in an ICU. His name is Paul.
Love, Jan

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