Thursday, February 23, 2017

Update on Ron 2-23-17

Ron's condition changed drastically overnight. We watched basketball, and he kept score sheets last evening. At 4:30 AM, I woke up thinking that he was having a bad dream. He had respiratory distress and told me that he couldn't get enough air. I adjusted his oxygenator from 6 to 7 liters, but he did not get relief, so I went to get the nurse. He had 102.4 fever. He was given tylenol and anti anxiety meds, but eventually, he needed the oxygenator set on 10 liters where it has been for almost all day. Dr. Wojo has been in to see him 3 times, and his morphine has been adjusted to keep him comfortable. Comfort and dignity are the goals. His level of discomfort and distress varied over the morning, but he has been comfortable most of the time since noon.
His brother and wife, Rick and Tammy, came today, and Jessica has spent the day with me. Cale has the flu but came briefly. Their Pastor also spent time with us, and Jessica's mother has been here, too.


  1. Sally Morris, Henrik Trox and AnnikaFebruary 23, 2017 at 8:29 PM

    Love, hugs, and prayers. God bless you guys.

  2. Praying for Ron's comfort & for the family. Love & hugs, Ann & Bob

  3. May God comfort and strengthen you both.Jane & Terry

  4. Sending love to you both. Prayers tonight for comfort. Love, Jen and Tim

  5. Thanks for your prayers and good wishes. Last night was peaceful.

  6. Prayers to Ron and to you Jan! You are such a strong woman and have so many people who love and care about you and your family! Hugs!!
    Heather Shepherd

  7. Prayers for peace and comfort Jan. I know the pain of watching someone you love go thru so much. It never feels like it is supposed to be this way.
    r/jeff shafer
