Thursday, September 8, 2011

Day 15 and 100 to go...

Bone marrow transplant patients are required to live within an hour of the hospital for 100 days after discharge. Serious complications can arise quickly, and most patients do require follow-up hospitalizations. Ron plans to be the exception. He is a great patient, virtually never complaining about anything they ask him to do.
Our first 24 hours in the apartment went well. I have things to organize yet, but the medication schedule is under control, and the visiting nurse helped refresh my IV infusion skills. Ron and I did run to Meijer early to pick up the morning newspapers that we like to read and a couple other things. He wears a mask, and is not allowed to go to stores during their busy hours. It felt good just doing a quick errand together. The little things don't seem so little any more.


  1. That's right. Enjoy every little moment to it's fullest. What is the address of the apartment? Ann & Bob

  2. Our Ann Arbor address is on the September 5 entry. I am going to mention it in the blog in case anyone else wants it. Thanks for your messages. I know you understand what we are going through. Love, Jan
