Sunday, September 4, 2011

September 4, Day 11 (after transplant)

Ron's white blood cell count is just beginning to come back which is an indication that his new stem cells are engrafting and in the beginning stage of producing new blood cells. Another indicator is the bone pain that Ron is experiencing today. It made him quite uncomfortable early this morning but is now controlled with pain meds. He has also received two units of blood, so that should make him feel stronger. We will probably be out walking in the hallway by evening today. Both Unit 8B and Unit 8A made birthday banners for his room, and food services sent up a birthday cake. They have become like an extended family over the past now 18 months of treatment. So we celebrate this special day with gratitude for all of the medical support, family and friends who have surrounded us with positive vibes, and to the donor who made the transplant a reality. Amazing.


  1. Happy Birthdy Hov!!! Sounds like things are going well and we're cheering for you! Keep up the good work. By the way I'm gonna be a grandma again. Melissa and Garett are expecting #2 in early March.

  2. Happy Birthday Ron. We Love Ya! Bob and Mary

  3. happy late birthday ron! i'm just a few floors below you today working and thinking of you both!

  4. Hey, thank you guys!! It is great hearing from all of you. Ron might be able to go home in 3 or 4 days, so we are feeling happy. His bloodcounts are improving at a good rate, so we know he had a great transplant.
    Love to you,
