Sunday, September 11, 2011

Patriot Day 9-11 Day +18 (after transplant)

There has been much to reflect on today: The 9-11 anniversary, how it has affected our kids' military obligations, how it affected all of our lives, and all of the amazing things that our family has experienced in this decade. There is much for us to be thankful and grateful for.

Ron continues to feel a little better today. He is sleeping longer at night, and two days away from the hospital was a treat. Tomorrow we return early for bloodwork and a doctor appointment. They monitor several things and adjust medication as needed. It should go more smoothly than last Friday. The visiting nurse came today and observed as I did the IVs and dressing change for Ron's port. His port is in his chest and will be used until after this 100 day period of treatment.

1 comment:

  1. What a great photo. Glad you have been able to get out and relax. Sounds like things are going your way=;) Keep up the great work. Jan, do I detect a career in nursing once this is done? Have a fantastic week!
