Friday, September 9, 2011

First Clinic Visit, Day 16 after transplant

Ron returned for his first clinic appointment this morning. We left at 9:45 and returned to the apartment at 2:30; it was tiring for both of us. After returning home, he needed an hour nap before he could eat "lunch." Some meds were adjusted because of his itchy skin and sore throat. Then it was time to start the IVs, so it has been a full day. The home nurse will check in with us on Sunday, and he goes back to clinic Monday...really hope that it feels like we are getting into a routine in a few days. I now appreciate those 8A nurses more than ever!

Our apartment address can be found on the September 5 entry.


  1. Sending you some Bobcat spirit from the Burr Oak volleyball teams. We miss having Ron ref our games!!!

  2. Thanks! That is how he would rather be spending his September! I hope he can return in 2012. Great hearing from you:) Jan
